Help sustain the spirit of OZ by contributing to The OZ Museum charitable organization. Donations go directly back into museum exhibits and are tax deductible.
GIVEThe OZ Museum gladly welcomes donated OZ memorabilia so that it can be shared with other lovers of OZ. To give to the collection please contact the OZ Museum.
CONTACTYour sponsorship includes signage on an exhibit display case with your business or individual name. Available on a first come, first serve basis, this sponsorship supports the maintenance and upkeep of a display case as well as the display housed in it.
Sponsor an exhibit display >The Poppyfield and Wicked Witch of the East Alcove Sponsorships will support the maintenance, upkeep and future development of the alcoves to include more interactive elements. Sponsorship includes signage with your business or individual name.
Sponsor an alcove >The OZ Museum alcoves contain life-size characters that are available for sponsorship. Sponsorship will support the maintenance, upkeep and future development of the alcove to include more interactive elements. Sponsorship includes signage with your business or individual name.
Sponsor a character >The cases located along the OZ Museum’s streetscape gallery are available for sponsorship. There are a limited number of spaces available. Your sponsorship will support the maintenance, upkeep and future development of interactive OZ elements. Sponsorship includes signage visible from outdoors, featuring your business or individual name.
Sponsor a storefront display >