Film screenings with a twist
Feb. 15-16 in Sioux Falls, SD, follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Washington Pavilion. Watch the exquisitely re-mastered MGM film on the big screen as the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra performs the unforgettable score live. https://www.washingtonpavilion.org/.../south-dakota...
Feb. 17-23, Sing Along with The Wizard of Oz in Arlington, Mass. "We’re transforming the theatre into the Emerald City and you’re invited to watch this classic movie-musical with all the words to the songs on the screen for you and all your friends to Sing-A-Long! https://calendar.artsboston.org/.../the-wizard-of-oz.../
Feb. 17 in Norwich, UK, The Wizard of Oz film is free at 2 pm! https://secure.theatreroyalnorwich.co.uk/.../default.asp...
Dancing, singing, and panto live on stage
Feb. 1, 15 and 29 the Harlem Repertory Theatre in New York City brings the Wizard of Oz to the stage in their wonderful production of the classic show. https://www.eventbrite.com/.../the-wizard-of-oz-tickets...
Ballet Theatre UK presents The Wizard of Oz at the Theatre Royal, Margate Feb. 2. https://www.margate-live.com/whatson-event/the-wizard-of-oz/
Oz on stage Feb. 7-15 (with dinner theater the 14th) at the Gateway Center or Arts in DeBary, FL. http://www.gatewaycenterforthearts.org/theater-2/
Mark Daniel Productions their wicked family pantomime, The Wizard of Oz in Bolton, England, Feb. 5-9. https://www.boltonlittletheatre.co.uk/mark-daniels.../
Feb 13-16, the Tulsa Ballet presents Dorothy and the Prince of Oz. https://tulsaballet.org/dorothy-the-prince-of-oz/
The Wizard of Oz Feb 15-23 at the Studio Playhouse in Upper Montclair, NJ. "A funny and fast-paced journey ... this imaginative adaptation captures the heart of L. Frank Baum's classic tale." https://www.visitnj.org/nj-events/wizard-oz-2
Liverpool fans, get your tickets to the Wizard of Oz now. Feb. 15-19 at the St. Helen's Theatre. “…a magical adventure over the rainbow … in this enchanting panto production of The Wizard of Oz.” https://www.liverpooltheatres.com/.../wizard-of-oz....
Looking to take young fans to Oz on stage in Illinois? Alphabet Soup could be your answer. Check dates and cities in the greater Chicago area: https://www.absproductions.com/the-wizard-of-oz
Feb. 14-28 the Branson (Missouri) Regional Arts Council promises a wonderful Wizard of Oz evening at the Historic Owen Theatre. https://tickets.vendini.com/ticket-software.html?t=tix...
Feb. 15-17 "A spectacular celebration of the iconic 1939 MGM film, THE WIZARD OF OZ will blow you away..." in Norfolk, Virginia. This production is the current touring company. https://www.sevenvenues.com/events/detail/wizard-of-oz
Join the fun:
The 2020 Museum Ball -- The Emerald City of Oz Feb. 22, at the Huntington (WV) Museum of Art. "The 2020 Museum Ball theme is based on the "Oz" books by L. Frank Baum." https://www.hmoa.org/visit/events
Feb. 23, auditions for ages 13-18 in Bismark, ND, for "The Wizard of Oz, the Deleted Scenes." https://www.dakotastageltd.com/.../conservatory-play...
Oz Club members will meet in Tulsa Feb. 14-16. This "Quadling" group has gotten together regularly for fun; this year, join them to attend Dorothy and the Prince of Oz performed by the Tulsa Ballet. No website, but they do have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/216137875646893/
Article by The International Wizard of Oz Club