It was her encouragement that impressed Baum to write down the stories he constantly made up to tell his children, resulting in the publishing in 1900 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
A special program, Matilda Joslyn Gage: Suffrage & OZ, from Baker University Speech Choir and the OZ Museum Curator will be held at the Columbian Theatre Gallery on Saturday, Feb 22, 2020, from 1-3pm.
Explore some of Matilda’s many hats – Abolitionist, Suffragist, free-thinker, her belief in equal rights for all, researcher, speaker, and author. Discover the influence she had with her son-in-law, L. Frank Baum and his writings in Oz. And find out why her name was essentially “written out of the history books”.
We are so pleased to be able to “rediscover” Matilda and hope you will be, too.
Chris Glasgow
Article by OZ Museum